We select the best expert witnesses in medico-legal to ensure that our clients continuously receive unparalleled services

Everett Medico Legal goal is to select the best medical experts in the UK to ensure we provide our clients with the highest possible level of service. With an Expert Panel made up of members throughout the UK, you can always be confident of a fast and efficient service throughout the entire management of any case.


We check the content of all reports to confirm that it conforms to our client requirements as well as quality checking the report to ensure that it is CPR compliant (including Statement of Truth) and gives a clear prognosis. In addition to the pre-existing random audits of the experts we shall be rolling out our robust audit regime to ensure that Medco accreditation requirements are fully met. We aim to achieve 100% compliance in this matter prior to the effective date of 1 January 2016.

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Click here to submit your application and to register with Everett Medico Legal expert panels, we are recruiting experts from all parts of the UK. If you feel you have outstanding medical skills then please get in touch with us.

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